UI vs. UX
Web Design

What‘s the Difference and What Truly Matters?

UI UX Web Design


User Experience (UX) and
User Interface (UI)
Each representing a side of the same sparkling coin.

UI & UX Web Design
UI Web Design

UI is the master architect, meticulously crafting the user's journey through seamless navigation and intuitive interactions.

UX Web Design

As the visual storyteller, UX painting the canvas of a digital world with buttons, colors, and layouts.

UX Web Design
As the visual storyteller, UX painting the canvas of a digital world with buttons, colors, and layouts.
UI Web Design
UI is the master architect, meticulously crafting the user's journey through seamless navigation and intuitive interactions.
UX Web Design
As the visual storyteller, UX painting the canvas of a digital world with buttons, colors, and layouts.
UI Web Design
UI is the master architect, meticulously crafting the user's journey through seamless navigation and intuitive interactions.


Going Mobile?
Speed is Fine, But UX Strategy is Final

The Business Value of UX: Taking ROI to an Institutional Level

The Business
Value of UX:
Taking ROI to an Institutional Level

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They form a BACKBONE that shapes how a company, its products,
and services are perceived by users.
They’re the TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS influencing not just BRAND IDENTITY but also wielding TREMENDOUS POWER in turning curious visitors into dedicated customers.

The Core Principles for Exceptional UX

Clear and concise language, intuitive navigation, and uncluttered layouts reduce confusion and enhance user satisfaction. Avoiding unnecessary complexity helps users achieve their goals effortlessly.

Prioritizing functionality over flashy elements ensures that your design serves a purpose. While visually appealing elements can be attractive, they should never compromise the functionality or distract users from their objectives.

Recognizing that users tend to scan rather than read every word on a website is crucial. Content should be structured with scannability in mind, using headers, bullet points, and concise paragraphs.

Understanding your audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors is fundamental. Tailoring your design and content to resonate with your specific user demographic ensures that you’re meeting their expectations and addressing their pain points.

Establishing a clear visual hierarchy guides users through content or interfaces by prioritizing elements based on their importance. This hierarchy is created through the use of contrasting sizes, colors, and placement of elements.

UI/UX Web Design Image

Unveiling Common UI Design Input Elements

  • Dropdowns
  • Buttons
  • Toggles
  • Text or password fields
  • Checkboxes
  • Date selection
  • Confirmation dialogues

Unspoken User Queries when
Assessing Your Website's UX Web Design

UX Web Design Checklist
A man thinking on UI and UX Web Design Queries

User-Centric Sites will Win – ALWAYS

Both UX and UI design are indispensable – you can’t have one without the other. Both strive to improve the overall user experience, and both done well can improve your CONVERSIONS.

Your goal should be to create a USER-FIRST WEBSITE that functions seamlessly and effectively. CONVERSIONS WILL FOLLOW.

UX and UI Certification
Program by Info Trek


Successful customer-centered design begins with a solid understanding of how people will experience your design. This course provides a foundational understanding of human behavior leading to accurate design decisions

“Know thy customers” is a cardinal rule in design. This course helps you understand the process of customer research and requirements gathering. You will be introduced to data gathering methodologies that will provide deep insights about your users.

Translating customer requirements correctly into usable designs needs scientific knowledge. This course covers research-based and field-tested web and app design principles regarding layout, color, icons, and text, along with accessibility and cross-cultural design.

The only way to know if your design is supporting your customers’ expectations is through progressive testing. Here, you will pick up quick and practical usability testing techniques—ranging from simple paper prototype tests to cutting edge remote testing

Sample of UX Web Design related image

Mastering UX and UI
for Skyrocketing Conversions Today!


All Training Courses Are HRDC Fully Claimable

Steps to Enrol

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Attend Training Program and be upskilled!

Why Enrol Training Course at Info Trek?

You get to enjoy in a very comfortable and refreshing environment for better learning experience.

Conducted more than 10,000 classes for individuals, employees, business and organization since we established in 1996. (26 years)

Worked with over 200 certified trainers from different industries and strategic brand partners.

Info Trek offer customised training solution specifically for our client needs.

UI and UX Web Design Class by Info Trek

Our Review

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