The Retirement of PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker

PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker Retirement

Microsoft announced that the PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker certification will be retiring in June 2024, with the announcement made on January 24, 2024. The PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker is suitable for those looking to build business solutions that streamline and automate tasks and processes for their teams. It necessitates skills in designing and managing business solutions, analyzing and visualizing data, and developing business solutions.

Key Date

The PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker exam was officially retired on June 30, 2024. Certifications for the PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker that were earned before this date will remain valid for one year following the date they were issued. This provides holders of this certification a grace period to continue benefiting from their qualification even after the exam’s discontinuation.

PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker retiring

What is PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker

The overall purpose of the PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker exam was to validate the essential skills needed to leverage the Power Platform for simplifying and automating tasks and processes within an organization. It was specifically designed to empower “citizen developers” to create tailored solutions that address specific business needs without the necessity of extensive coding expertise.

The PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker exam was designed for individuals who, although not necessarily IT professionals, were adept at using technology to address business challenges. These “App Makers” could come from a variety of roles, including business analysts, system analysts, and data analysts. The exam catered to those who were comfortable leveraging technological tools to develop solutions that enhance business processes and efficiency.

The PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker exam tested the ability to design, build, analyze data for, and implement solutions using the Power Platform tools. This included:

  • Connecting to and using data sources
  • Building user interfaces for applications
  • Automating workflows
  • Managing and deploying applications securely

Alternative to PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker

But there’s no need to worry—Microsoft has plans well in place to ensure continued support and opportunities for advancement. On February 12, 2024, Microsoft will begin offering new applied skills credentials. These credentials are designed to equip professionals with the latest skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary tools for success in their careers. These include:

  • PL-7001: Create and Manage Canvas Apps with Power Apps
  • PL-7002: Create and Manage Automated Processes by using Power Automate
  • PL-7003: Create and Manage Model-Driven Apps with Power Apps and Dataverse

Microsoft also offers a variety of other Applied Skills qualifications that concentrate on specific functionalities of the Power Platform, such as Power Automate, Power BI, and many others. You can explore more of Power Platform courses.

Now, let’s dive into all three new courses of the PL-7000 series introduced by Microsoft.

PL-7001: Create and Manage Canvas Apps with Power Apps

  • Focuses on building user-facing applications with Power Apps Canvas Apps.
  • Canvas Apps are designed for a quick, drag-and-drop interface creation experience.
  • You’ll learn how to:
    • Connect Canvas Apps to various data sources (e.g., SharePoint, Excel)
    • Build user interfaces with buttons, galleries, and forms.
    • Implement formulas and logic within the app.
    • Share and publish your Canvas Apps for others to use.

PL-7002: Create and Manage Automated Processes by using Power Automate

  • This module concentrates on creating automated workflows with Power Automate.
  • Power Automate allows you to automate repetitive tasks and connect various applications and services.
  • You’ll learn how to:
    • Design workflows with triggers and actions (e.g., automatically send an email notification when a new item is added to a SharePoint list).
    • Use conditional logic to automate decisions within the workflow.
    • Integrate Power Automate with other Power Platform tools, such as Power Apps and Power BI.
    • Manage and monitor your automated workflows.
PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker replacement to include Automation

PL-7003: Create and Manage Model-Driven Apps with Power Apps and Dataverse

  • This course dives into building model-driven apps using Power Apps and Dataverse.
  • Model-driven apps are more structured and data-centric compared to Canvas Apps.
  • This course will cover:
    • Designing the data model for your app using Dataverse (formerly known as Common Data Service).
    • Creating custom entities and defining relationships between them.
    • Building forms, views, and dashboards for managing data within the app.
    • Implementing security and access controls for your model-driven app.

Benefits of PL-7000 Series

The new Applied Skills approach introduces significant benefits tailored to modern professional needs. It allows users to focus on specific skills relevant to their daily tasks, such as those specializing in canvas apps, who can now pursue targeted certifications instead of broader exams like the PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker.

Additionally, this approach offers increased flexibility, enabling users to select and validate the exact skills they need and even accumulate multiple certifications to showcase a broader expertise. This tailored and flexible certification path aligns closely with specific job roles and evolving technology demands. Here are the benefits of the new Applied Skills approach:

  1. Increased Skills and Expertise
    • Power Platform Proficiency
      Completing the PL-7000 series courses (PL-7001, PL-7002, PL-7003) provides a strong foundation in using Power Apps Canvas, Apps, Power Automate, and Model-Driven Apps.
    • Automation Expertise
      Learn to automate repetitive tasks and workflows, saving time and resources across your organization.
    • Application Development Skills
      Develop the ability to build custom applications that address specific business needs, potentially without extensive coding knowledge.
    • Data Analysis and Reporting
      Gain a deeper understanding of data analysis and reporting techniques using Power BI.
  1. Improved Business Processes
    • Enhanced Productivity
      Automating workflows and building custom applications can streamline processes and increase overall productivity.
    • Citizen Development
      The PL-7000 courses can empower “citizen developers” within your organization, allowing them to create solutions for their specific needs without relying solely on professional IT teams.
    • Improved Collaboration
      Power Platform facilitates collaboration by enabling teams to work together on building and managing applications and workflows.
    • Streamlined Data Integration
      You’ll learn how to integrate Power Platform with other Microsoft services (SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Azure) for a more cohesive data ecosystem.
  1. Career Advancement
    • Validation of Skills
      Completing the PL-7000 series courses and obtaining the associated certifications demonstrates your proficiency in Power Platform, thereby enhancing your job prospects and professional credibility.
    • Problem-Solving Skills
      By mastering Power Platform tools to address real-world business challenges, you’ll develop valuable problem-solving and analytical skills, making you an indispensable asset to any organization.
PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker replacement benefits

PL-7000 series courses not only enhance individual skills and expertise but also contribute to improved business processes and offer significant career advancement opportunities through skill validation and problem-solving capabilities.

The retirement of the PL-100 Microsoft Power App Maker certification marks a transition to a more specialized and adaptable certification path with the introduction of the PL-7000 series. These new certifications—PL-7001, PL-7002, and PL-7003—offer targeted skills in canvas apps, automated workflows, and model-driven apps, respectively.

This shift allows professionals to focus on specific areas of expertise, enhancing their capabilities in leveraging the Power Platform to streamline business processes and drive innovation. The PL-7000 series not only equips individuals with valuable skills but also supports career growth through skill validation and problem-solving proficiency, ensuring that professionals remain competitive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

